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목록분류 전체보기 (659)
Oracle and lower NOTE: this tip was written with Oracle DBMS version How can you know if your Oracle server is correctly configured for XA? The simplest and usually the most effective way is the following: logon to SQLPlus (or use another tool if you like); make sure to use the user/password that you are using for your application execute the query: select * from SYS.DBA_PEND..
대부분 tomcat에서 테스트/개발을 진행해도 충분합니다만, 특정WAS에서 테스트를 거치거나 종속적 기능을 사용할 경우가 있습니다. log4j 설정이 weblogic12c 서버 배포후 적용되지 않을때, 실례로 로그파일크기가 심각한 수준으로 증가하여 서비스 응답이 느려지고, 프로세스가 hogging이나 stuck 상태에 빠진 경우가 있습니다. 아래 파일을 WEB-INF에 추가 후 배포해 보세요. weblogic.xml false org.slf4j org.apache.log4j org.apache.commons net.sf.log4jdbc org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class 12.1.2 context-name
[SQL0418] Use of parameter marker not valid. Cause . . . . . : Parameter markers and the RAISE_ERROR scalar function are not allowed: -- As a value in a VALUES INTO statement. -- As an operand of a concatenation operation. -- As the operand of a scalar function. If the scalar function is VALUE, COALESCE, IFNULL, MIN, MAX, LAND, LOR, or XOR, then at least one of the arguments must not be a parame..
pom.xml 4.0.0 com.dbility.hadoop example01 0.0.1 ${project.artifactId} 1.2.1 1.4.3 org.apache.hadoop hadoop-core ${hadoop.version} org.slf4j slf4j-api ${slf4j.version} SimpleFileWriteRead.java package com.dbility.hadoop; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSyste..